Sunday 16 January 2022

Design & Analysis of Indoor Digital TV Rx & Broadcasting System using Discone Antenna

Design & Analysis of Indoor Digital TV Rx & Broadcasting System using Discone Antenna

This example shows how to design and implement a discone antenna for indoor use in digital TV receiving and transmitting systems. 

Discone antennas are wide bandwidth and omnidirectional radiation antennas that are widely used in VHF and UHF broadcasting systems. 

The described antenna provides matched bandwidth, below -10 dB of return loss, between 460 MHz and 2.3 GHz, and provides omnidirectional radiation pattern within the considered TV band, from 470 MHz to 862 MHz. 

Matlab Script:

%% Discone Antenna for Indoor Use TV Receiving & Broadcasting System

% This example shows how to design and implement a discone antenna for indoor use in digital TV receiving and transmitting systems. 

%% Define Parameters
Rd  = 55e-3;                % Radius of disc
Rc1 = 72.1e-3;              % Broad Radius of cone
Rc2 = 1.875e-3;             % Narrow Radius of cone
Hc  = 160e-3;               % Vertical height of cone
Fw  = 1e-3;                 % Feed Width
S   = 1.75e-3;              % Spacing between cone and disc

%% Create Discone Antenna
% Create a discone antenna using the defined parameters.
ant = discone;
ant.Height = Hc;
ant.ConeRadii  = [Rc2 Rc1];
ant.DiscRadius = Rd;
ant.FeedHeight = S;
ant.FeedWidth  = Fw; 
title('Discone Antenna Element');

%% S-Parameters
freq = (0.1:0.01:3)*1e9;
[~] = mesh(ant,'MaxEdgeLength',10e-3);
s1 = sparameters(ant,freq);

%% Radiation Pattern
f = 470e6;

%% Elevation Pattern
p1 = patternElevation(ant,470e6);
p2 = patternElevation(ant,862e6);
p3 = patternElevation(ant,1.5e9);
p4 = patternElevation(ant,3e9);
hold on;
legend ({'470MHz' '862MHz' '1500MHz' '3000MHz'});

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