This example shows how to model a delta robot performing a pick and place task.
Introduction – Delta Robot Model
Matlab KinematicsSolver object
Simulink Model
Delta Robot Subsystem
Planning and Control Subsystem: Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Planning and Control Subsystem: Path Planner
Planning and Control Subsystem: Controller
Simulation Results from Scopes
The robot picks up a part using a vacuum gripper, moves the part to each of the four markers on the table, drops the part at the first marker, and then returns to the home position.
These forward and inverse kinematics computations are done using KinematicsSolver objects.
The Planning and Control/Controller subsystem contains a simple PID controller that drives the actual positions and velocities of the actuators to their desired values.
The objects are defined as persistent variables in the functions sm_pick_and_place_robot_fk and sm_pick_and_place_robot_ik.
These functions are called by the MATLAB function blocks Planning and Control/Forward Kinematics and Planning and Control/Inverse Kinematics