Monday 28 June 2021

Design & Simulation of BLDC Motor Drive Rotor Angle Control using MATLA...

Click here to download the Simulink Model: This example shows how to control the rotor angle in a BLDC based electrical drive. The BLDC includes a thermal model and empirical iron losses. An ideal torque source provides the load. The Control subsystem uses a PI-based cascade control structure with three control loops: an outer position control loop, a speed control loop, and an inner current control loop. The BLDC is fed by a controlled three-phase inverter. The gate signals for the inverter are obtained from hall signals. The simulation uses step references. The initial temperature of the stator windings and rotor is set to 25 degrees Celsius. Ambient temperature is 27 degrees Celsius. The Scopes subsystem contains scopes that allow you to see the simulation results.

Design & Simulation of Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor using MATLAB ...

Click here to download the Simulink File;

BLDC motor control design using Simulink® lets you use multirate simulation to design, tune, and verify control algorithms and detect and correct errors across the complete operating range of the motor before hardware testing.

Using simulation with Simulink, you can reduce the amount of prototype testing and verify the robustness of control algorithms to fault conditions that are not practical to test on hardware.
You can:
  • Model BLDC motor with a trapezoidal or arbitrary back EMF Model current controllers, speed controllers, and modulators
  • Model inverter power electronics
  • Tune BLDC motor control system gains using linear control design techniques such as Bode plot and root locus and techniques such as automated PID tuning Model startup, shutdown, and error modes and design derating and protection logic to ensure safe operation
  • Design signal conditioning and processing algorithms for the I/O channels
  • Run closed-loop simulations of the motor and controller to test system performance under normal and abnormal operating scenarios
  • Automatically generate ANSI, ISO, or processor-optimized C code and HDL for rapid prototyping, hardware-in-the-loop testing, and production implementation

Modeling & Simulation of Hysteresis Current Controller for BLDC Motor D...

This example shows how to control the currents in a BLDC based electrical drive using hysteresis controllers. 

A DC voltage source feeds the BLDC through a controlled three-phase inverter. A ramp of current request is provided to the motor controller.

 The load torque is quadratically dependent on the rotor speed. 

The Control subsystem implements the hysteresis-based current control strategy. 

The Scopes subsystem contains scopes that allow you to see the simulation results.

Click Here to Download the Simulink File:

Design & Simulation Of Solar Power Converter using Matlab Simulink

This example shows how to determine the efficiency of a single-stage solar inverter. 

The model simulates one complete AC cycle for a specified level of solar irradiance and corresponding optimal DC voltage and AC RMS current. 

Using the example model ee_solar_characteristics, the optimal values have been determined as 342V DC and 20.05A AC for an irradiance of 1000W/m^2 and panel temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. 

Inverter efficiency is determined in two independent ways. 

The first compares the ratio of AC power out to DC power in over one AC cycle.

 The second calculates losses by component by making use of Simscape™ logging. The small difference in calculated efficiency value is due to differences between trapezoidal integration used by the script and the greater accuracy achieved by the Simulink® variable-step solver.

Click here to download the simulink Model:

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