This example performs LLE by inverting an input image and then applying a de-haze algorithm on the inverted image.
After inverting the low-light image, the pixels representing non-sky region have low intensities in at least one color channel.
The algorithm consists of six stages.
Step 1: Scaling & Inversion
The input image is converted to range [0,1] by dividing by 255 and then inverting pixel-wise.
Step 2: Dark Channel Estimation
The dark channel is estimated by finding the pixel-wise minimum across all three channels of the inverted image.
Step 3: Refinement
The airlight image from the previous stage is refined by iterative smoothing. This stage consists of five filter iterations with a 3-by-3 kernel for each stage.
Step 4: Non-Linear Correction
To reduce over-enhancement, the refined image is corrected using a non-linear correction.
Step 5: Restoration
Restoration is performed pixel-wise across the three channels of the inverted and corrected image.
Step 6: Inversion
To obtain the final enhanced image, this stage inverts the output of the restoration stage, and scales to the range [0,255].
The figure shows the input image and the enhanced output images obtained from the LLESimplified subsystem and the LLEHDL subsystem.
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