Wednesday 30 June 2021

🔴 LIVE | Day # 1 MATLAB Basics for Engineers | Introduction to MATLAB | FR...

Hey there!! today I'm here to explain about basics of MATLAB with Hands-on approach.

Today you can learn something informative, about What Is MATLAB?, MATLAB Websites, other Tutorials, General Features, M-Files and Functions, Built-in Functions, Plotting, Programming, Toolboxes.

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Monday 28 June 2021

Design & Simulation of BLDC Motor Drive Rotor Angle Control using MATLA...

Click here to download the Simulink Model: This example shows how to control the rotor angle in a BLDC based electrical drive. The BLDC includes a thermal model and empirical iron losses. An ideal torque source provides the load. The Control subsystem uses a PI-based cascade control structure with three control loops: an outer position control loop, a speed control loop, and an inner current control loop. The BLDC is fed by a controlled three-phase inverter. The gate signals for the inverter are obtained from hall signals. The simulation uses step references. The initial temperature of the stator windings and rotor is set to 25 degrees Celsius. Ambient temperature is 27 degrees Celsius. The Scopes subsystem contains scopes that allow you to see the simulation results.

Design & Simulation of Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor using MATLAB ...

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BLDC motor control design using Simulink® lets you use multirate simulation to design, tune, and verify control algorithms and detect and correct errors across the complete operating range of the motor before hardware testing.

Using simulation with Simulink, you can reduce the amount of prototype testing and verify the robustness of control algorithms to fault conditions that are not practical to test on hardware.
You can:
  • Model BLDC motor with a trapezoidal or arbitrary back EMF Model current controllers, speed controllers, and modulators
  • Model inverter power electronics
  • Tune BLDC motor control system gains using linear control design techniques such as Bode plot and root locus and techniques such as automated PID tuning Model startup, shutdown, and error modes and design derating and protection logic to ensure safe operation
  • Design signal conditioning and processing algorithms for the I/O channels
  • Run closed-loop simulations of the motor and controller to test system performance under normal and abnormal operating scenarios
  • Automatically generate ANSI, ISO, or processor-optimized C code and HDL for rapid prototyping, hardware-in-the-loop testing, and production implementation

Modeling & Simulation of Hysteresis Current Controller for BLDC Motor D...

This example shows how to control the currents in a BLDC based electrical drive using hysteresis controllers. 

A DC voltage source feeds the BLDC through a controlled three-phase inverter. A ramp of current request is provided to the motor controller.

 The load torque is quadratically dependent on the rotor speed. 

The Control subsystem implements the hysteresis-based current control strategy. 

The Scopes subsystem contains scopes that allow you to see the simulation results.

Click Here to Download the Simulink File:

Design & Simulation Of Solar Power Converter using Matlab Simulink

This example shows how to determine the efficiency of a single-stage solar inverter. 

The model simulates one complete AC cycle for a specified level of solar irradiance and corresponding optimal DC voltage and AC RMS current. 

Using the example model ee_solar_characteristics, the optimal values have been determined as 342V DC and 20.05A AC for an irradiance of 1000W/m^2 and panel temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. 

Inverter efficiency is determined in two independent ways. 

The first compares the ratio of AC power out to DC power in over one AC cycle.

 The second calculates losses by component by making use of Simscape™ logging. The small difference in calculated efficiency value is due to differences between trapezoidal integration used by the script and the greater accuracy achieved by the Simulink® variable-step solver.

Click here to download the simulink Model:

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Design and Simulation of Small Scale Micro Grid Using Matlab Simulink

To Download the Simulink Model Click Here: Hiroumi Mita (MathWorks) This example shows the behavior of a simplified model of a small-scale micro grid during 24 hours on a typical day. The model uses Phasor solution provided by Specialized Power Systems in order to accelerate simulation speed. Description: The micro-grid is a single-phase AC network. Energy sources are an electricity network, a solar power generation system and a storage battery. The storage battery is controlled by a battery controller. It absorbs surplus power when there is excess energy in the micro-network, and provides additional power if there is a power shortage in the micro-network. Three ordinary houses consume energy (maximum of 2.5 kW) as electric charges. The micro-array is connected to the power network via a transformer mounted on a post which lowers the voltage of 6.6 kV to 200 V. The solar power generation and storage battery are DC power sources that are converted to single-phase AC. The control strategy assumes that the microarray does not depend entirely on the power supplied by the power grid, and the power supplied by the solar power generation and storage are sufficient at all times. Simulation: From 20h to 4h, the solar power generation is 0 W. It reaches the peak amount (5 kW) from 14h to 15h. As a typical load change in ordinary houses, the amount of electric power load reaches peak consumption at 9h (6,500 W), 19h, and 22h (7,500 W). From 0h to 12h and from 18h to 24h, battery control is performed by battery controller. The battery control performs tracking control of the current so that active power which flows into system power from the secondary side of the pole transformer is set to 0. Then, the active power of secondary side of the pole mounted transformer is always around zero. The storage battery supplies the insufficient current when the power of the micro-grid is insufficient and absorbs surplus current from the micro-grid when its power is surpasses the electric load. From 12h to 18h, battery control is not performed. SOC (State Of Charge) of the storage battery is fixed to a constant and does not change since charge or discharge of the storage battery are not performed by the battery controller. When there is a power shortage in the micro- grid, the system power supplies insufficient power. When there is a surplus power in the micro-grid, surplus power is returned to the system power. At 8h, electricity load No. 3 of an ordinary house is set to OFF for 10 sec by the breaker. A spike is observed in the active power on the secondary side of the pole transformer and the electric power of the storage battery.

Saturday 19 June 2021

Power & Energy Consumption Analysis of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Wit...

This Video demonstrates how to generate MATLAB Live Script from Hybrid Electric vehicle multimode reference application.
Also can see how to evaluate and generate report for HEV - Power and Energy consumption analysis at the component and system level.
The live script provides: An overall energy summary that the script exports to an Excel® spreadsheet. Engine plant, electric plant, and drivetrain efficiencies, including an engine plant histogram of time spent at different efficiencies.
Data logging so that you can use the Simulation Data Inspector to analyze the powertrain efficiency, power, and energy signals.
The script uses the logged data to calculate efficiency, energy loss, energy input, and energy output for each component and subsystem.
Finally, the script provides an overall vehicle energy summary, a detailed subsystem summary, and Simulation Data Inspector time series plots.

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Design & Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Using Matlab Simuli...

The hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) multimode reference application represents a full multimode HEV model with an internal combustion engine, transmission, battery, motor, generator, and associated powertrain control algorithms.

Use the reference application for powertrain matching analysis and component selection, control and diagnostic algorithm design, and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing.

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Friday 18 June 2021

Modeling & Analysis of Lithium - Ion Battery Pack with Fault using Matla...

This example shows how to simulate a battery pack consisting of multiple series-connected cells in an efficient manner.

It also shows how a fault can be introduced into one of the cells to see the impact on battery performance and cell temperatures.

For efficiency, identical series-connected cells are not just simply modeled by connecting cell models in series.

Instead a single cell is used, and the terminal voltage scaled up by the number of cells.

The fault is represented by changing the parameters for the Cell 10 Fault subsystem, reducing both capacity and open-circuit voltage, and increasing the resistance values.

Click here to download the Simulink File:

Modeling & Analysis of Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)_ for...

This example shows a Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) used for power oscillation damping.

The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), one of the key FACTS devices, consists of a voltage-sourced converter and a transformer connected in series with a transmission line.

The SSSC injects a voltage of variable magnitude in quadrature with the line current, thereby emulating an inductive or capacitive reactance.

This emulated variable reactance in series with the line can then influence the transmitted electric power.

The SSSC is used to damp power oscillation on a power grid following a three-phase fault.

Click Here to download the Simulink File:

Performance Comparison of Three Voltage Source Converter (VSC) models us...

This example shows three Voltage Source Converter (VSC) models.
Each model is controlled in open loop with a SPWM pulse generator.

Comparing Three-Phase VSC Models (Detailed Model, Switching-Function Model and Average model)

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Modeling & Simulation of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Stack ...

This example shows the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEMFuel Cell Stack model feeding an average value 100Vdc DC/DC converter.


The nominal Fuel Cell Stack voltage is 45Vdc and the nominal power is 6kW. The converter is loaded by an RL element of 6kW with a time constant of 1 sec. During the first 10 secs, the utilization of the hydrogen is constant to the nominal value (Uf_H2 = 99.56%) using a fuel flow rate regulator. After 10 secs, the flow rate regulator is bypassed and the rate of fuel is increased to the maximum value of 85 lpm in order to observe the variation in the stack voltage. That will affect the stack efficiency, the fuel consumption and the air consumption.

Fuel cell voltage, current, DC/DC converter voltage and DC/DC converter current signals are available on the Scope2. Fuel flow rate, Hydrogen and oxygen utilization, fuel and air consumption, and efficiency are available on the Scope1.


At t = 0 s, the DC/DC converter applies 100Vdc to the RL load (the initial current of the load is 0A). The fuel utilization is set to the nominal value of 99.56%. The current increases to the value of 133A. The flow rate is automatically set in order to maintain the nominal fuel utilization. Observe the DC bus voltage (Scope2) which is very well regulated by the converter. The peak voltage of 122Vdc at the beginning of the simulation is caused by the transient state of the voltage regulator.

At t = 10 s, the fuel flow rate is increased from 50 liters per minute (lpm) to 85 lpm during 3.5 s reducing by doing so the hydrogen utilization. This causes an increasing of the Nernst voltage so the fuel cell current will decrease. Therefore the stack consumption and the efficiency will decrease (Scope1).

Thursday 17 June 2021

Modeling, Simulation & Hybridization of a Supercapacitor with a Battery ...

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This example shows the supercapacitor model during charge and discharge.

The circuit illustrates a simple hybridization of a supercapacitor with a battery. The supercapacitor is connected to a Buck/Boost converter and the battery is connected to a Boost converter. Power of the battery is limited by a rate limiter block, therefore the transient power is supplied to the DC bus by the supercapacitor.

Modeling & Simulation of Kinetic Energy Recovery System using Matlab Sim...

This example shows operation of a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) on a Formula 1 car. The model permits the benefits to be explored. During braking, energy is stored in a lithium-ion battery and ultracapacitor combination. It is assumed that a maximum of 400KJ of energy is to be delivered in one lap at a maximum power of 60KW. Design parameters are the weight of the battery, ultracapacitor and motor-generator. If these parameters are all set to the very small value of 0.01kg, the lap time is 95.0 seconds, this corresponding to a car with no KERS. With default values set here, approximately 1/4 of a second is saved on the lap time when using any available electrical power when not braking. Applying KERS only to selected corners requires a larger ultracapacitor to show any significant benefit.

This model shows how Simscape™ Electrical™ and Simscape can be used to support system-level design. The KERS performance is a complex trade-off between the masses of the three main components (battery, ultracapacitor and motor-generator), plus the energy-management strategy. The KERS system adds mass which reduces acceleration due to the engine. The stored electrical energy from braking must more than compensate for this. Lithium-ion batteries have a very high energy per unit mass but a poor power per unit mass. Conversely an ultracapacitor has relatively low energy per unit mass, but a very high power per unit mass which suits this particular application.

Plot 1: The plot below shows the vehicle speed during a single lap. The driver knows the maximum speed the vehicle should be travelling at the corners on the track and applies the brakes to achieve that speed in the corner.

Plot 2: The plot below compares the two strategies for using the electrical drive during acceleration. One strategy uses the electrical powertrain during all corners, the other uses it only on selected corners. The difference is easiest to see on the plot of motor torque, where the selected corners strategy shows zero torque from the motor during a number of the corners in the lap (rapid deceleration and acceleration).

Monday 7 June 2021

ATAL FDP_ Hands on Approach for Virtual Reality Applications _ MATLAB Si...

Contributed as a resource person on AICTE – ATAL Sponsored Five Day Online FDP  Program on “Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality" - 07.06.2021 to 11.06.2021 organized by Gnyanamani Educational Institutions, Namakkal,  Tamilnadu.

Click here to download the PPT: Click Here to Download the Project files Lunar Module /Space craft Design Project: Airbag and Crash Test Project: Toy Quadcopter (Drone Controller) Project : Vehicle Dynamics Visualization with Graphs Project: Bouncing Ball Project: Robot Controller Project:

Sunday 6 June 2021

Modeling & Torque Control Analysis of Axle Drive Electric Vehicle Using ...

This example shows an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) propelling a simplified axle-drive electric vehicle. Results shows the Requested and Measured Torque & Phase currents in the Electric Drive. In this example, A high Voltage Battery feeds the IPMSM through a controlled three phase Converter The Vehicle Controller subsystem converts the driver inputs into a relevant torque command. The Drive Controller subsystem controls the torque of the IPMSM. Click Here to Download the Simulink File:

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